In sub jason's own words:
After Effects: sub jason, 2 year and 5 months update ...
From two years ago (@ 5-months), sub jason filled out this form with some points of castration experiences made by others. his answers then, and now, appear side-by-side:
For the first month or so:
You may not physically feel any different, although the internal feeling that something is missing slowly creeps in.
5Mos: Generally true, but the first 2 weeks was masked mostly by organ swelling and regional pain.
1yr5mos: i feel sexually inadequate between my thighs.
Now: i long for that strong feeling between my thighs to return, but it's merely a echo of a memory.
You will gradually lose your sex drive.
5Mos: i had little to none soon after until about 3+ months later. While some has returned, it's still currently low.
1yr5mos: The interest has returned. The ability to perform has not.
Now: The interest is in my mind but being unable to physically respond is a constant frustration.
Emotionally, you tend to want to masturbate more and more, while it is still possible.
5Mos: This was true, but i held myself to about twice a week for release measurement purposes. The urge to know if they were still working was the prominent interest.
1yr5mos: After any release, the desire/interest to do so disappears for at least 2-3 days.
Now: While a release after much of a week of abstaining generates some reasonable fluid output (one to two mostly liquid pulses), it is very short in euphoric reward. Another release sooner is dribbling and unrewarding.
Past a few weeks to a month:
You will have random hot flashes and night sweats, and they may continue for weeks, months, or more.
5Mos: True, and they continued with slightly less intensity past 3 months, but rare now at 5 months.
1yr5mos: i still feel the occasional random hot flash, and with hotter evenings or more physical activity being the potential trigger.
Now: They are not as frequent as a year ago, but still random, yet tied to physical activity when they do occur.
Your penis will slowly shrink and atrophy.
5Mos: It lost ~20% of it's former erect length, unknown girth loss (erect) in the initial weeks. It has regained about half of what length was lost.
1yr5mos: i have not regained any additional capacity, and achieving that firmness remains an effort. Where i used to feel it when erections were happening, i now only seem to notice when a semi-erection is retracting.
Now: Only a very minor change noticed since last year. On some mornings, the hint of a little more thickness sometimes appears, but it is barely noticeable.
Your penis will lose sensitivity, with physical contact becoming more like any other part of your skin.
5Mos: True. It has since regained some sensitivity after 3+ months, but not back to what it was.
1yr5mos: The sensitivity level is about the same as it was a year ago and affects my ability to become and stay aroused.
Now: i remain about the same as a year ago, with the ongoing erectile dysfunction / lack of sensitivity / inability to remain erect.
As your testicles atrophy, you will lose most of the sexual feelings once centered in your groin region.
5Mos: It had produced a void feeling in the region soon after, for several weeks, which dissipated to neutral and a slight recovery after some hormone production rebounded near 3+ months.
1yr5mos: Some additional feeling has returned, along with interest, but it has not translated into much additional functionality.
Now: The drive, or strength, that once emanated from my groin remains absent, with no notable improvement in the past year.
Your testicles will lose mass, and your scrotum will shrink.
5Mos: They lost ~50% in volume and have only recently regained a small of that amount back.
1yr5mos: Although volume measurements indicate to a return to low-normal human size, visually they are only about 2/3 their former size.
Now: Measurements have stopped as their relative size remains about constant to what was about a year ago.
Erections will become less firm, then weak, until they become impossible to achieve.
5Mos: Erections became difficult with physical stimulation, impossible to achieve by mental efforts, and only recently improved a little approaching 4-5 months.
1yr5mos: i remain unable to gain and maintain any erection without physical stimulation, and it's quality remains reduced.
Now: Other than the minor thickening noted on some mornings, nothing else has improved with my erection without the use of an enhancement pill
M/F sexual dysphoria will be reduced.
Not an issue before, 5Mos, 1yr5mos, or now.
M/Eunuch sexual dysphoria will be reduced.
Not an issue before, 5Mos, 1yr5mos, or now.
You may experience more emotional episodes.
Not an issue before, 5Mos, 1yr5mos, or now.
Longer Term: COVID isolation protocol has made some of this difficult to directly attribute.
You may lose upper body muscle and strength.
Not seen yet.
You will likely gain abdominal fat.
No change in weight @ 2+ months, but heavier at 5 months and more so a year later due to world events (COVID) and reduced physical of activity. i remain heavier, and find it difficult much of the time to motivate to get the extra exercise needed to take it off.
You will stop looking at women within a sexual context.
5Mos: This was true particularly during the 1–2-month period. Due to a lack of being able to sexually perform, there is reduced interest.
1yr5mos: The interest has returned, but my perceived inability to perform deters me from pursuing.
Now: What was once a natural activity to engage and potentially explore is no longer natural in execution, with my sexual failure (if events were to get that far) all but certain.
Mustache and bear growth reduces dramatically
Not seen yet.
Body hair softens, thins, or disappears.
Did not occur, although slowing of baldness process may have happened.
You will feel as if you are asexual.
Did not occur.
Female breasts may develop over a period of a couple of years.
Did not occur.
i filled out MsPatty's First Contact questionnaire over 6 years ago. i listed an interest in castration fantasy, which MsPatty was quite pleased to learn.
Over the course of the next 4 years, that fantasy was explored in different ways, with attempts at incurring deeper effects interspersed over many visits.
i hinted during the Fall lead up conversations to December 26, 2019, that maybe the Everclear from two years prior might play a part, and MsPatty carpe diem.
i experienced the loss of all testosterone production as a result of the hour banding, and the effects of castration, as She planned. The effects the Everclear, used together with the banding, have since proven to have a devastating long term effect.
As a result, MsPatty remains thrilled that i continue to struggle with low testosterone, and the frustration of sexual inadequacy. Although there has been small gains in most every quarterly testosterone tests since, it is obvious approaching 2.5 years later that my castration fantasy became much closer to reality.
i am not technically castrated, as i can, with focused effort or a pill, get hard, and be driven to release semen. It remains possible now only at much longer than common intervals. There is less enjoyment for the effort involved, and my chances of successfully engaging another woman in typical sexual intercourse are extremely remote.