Sunday, June 16, 2024

Current Measurements: sub jason

sub jason's June 2024 Measurements, Highs, & Lows

Left Testicle:

May 2020: 3.60cm x 2.50cm x 1.60cm -> 60.31 (initial low)

Feb 2021: 4.45cm x 3.60cm x 2.50cm -> 167.76 (1st peak)

Sep 2022: 4.30cm x 3.40cm x 2.20cm -> 134.73 (2nd low)

Feb 2023: 4.33cm x 3.36cm x 2.44cm -> 148.70 (2nd peak)

Feb 2024: 4.30cm x 3.21cm x 2.38cm -> 137.61 (JD 2023+1.5mo)

Jun 2024: 3.93cm x 3.10cm x 1.97cm -> 100.53 (current low)

Right Testicle:

Mar 2020: 3.50cm x 2.20cm x 1.40cm -> 45.16 (initial low)

Mar 2021: 4.50cm x 3.50cm x 2.05cm -> 135.25 (1st peak)

Aug 2022: 4.20cm x 3.30cm x 1.85cm -> 107.40 (2nd low)

Dec 2022: 4.28cm x 3.17cm x 2.37cm -> 134.70 (2nd peak)

Feb 2023: 4.29cm x 3.15cm x 2.34cm -> 132.46 (JD 2023+1.5mo)

Jun 2024: 3.90cm x 2.90cm x 1.80cm -> 85.28 (current low)

The videos from our time together can be found on the medical and what's new video galleries. 

#medfet, #bdsm medical fetish, #leatherrealm, #ohio mistress, #nurse fetish, #fetishes, #medical sadist, #CBT, #anal, #game, #catheter, #ball press, #acrylic press, #Everclear, #tribander, #body modification

After Effects: sub jason update, 8 weeks


sub jason update - ~8 weeks

In sub jason's own words...

It's been almost 2 months since MsPatty last had Her way with Her boys between my thighs.  MsPatty has requested that i compile another update. 

For those that were surprised at some of MsPatty's activities, the feeling was fairly mutual.  An enema, catheter, and some form of sensory deprivation are all fairly common.  Her frequent use of the wide silicone bands makes them very likely.  The acrylic press, electro, and the card game was somewhat expected based on e-mail exchanges we recently had.  However, Her choice to then inject 3cc of Everclear into Her boys, the heavy needle stirring inside, and being banded during this with the heavy castration band for ~25 minutes were not expected.  When i asked Her where the impulse came from, Her response was that She decided to 'take Her boys down a notch'.  i am not sure how many notches they have left to go down.  Although some more time needs to pass to evaluate the effects, i have little doubt that MsPatty has likely caused further long-term impact to Her boys between my thighs.

In the hours, days and several weeks which followed, both testicles were swollen and very sensitive. As the sensitivity to pressure gradually declined a ~month later, each began to atrophy and harden.  The left has lost the most overall volume but remains the slightly larger of the two.  Both are currently very firm, with surface contouring which can be described as pebble-like.  They have roundness, but also indentations, or small bumps across some parts of their surface.  They are similar to the effects described in my private updates to MsPatty back in early 2020.  The right cord continues to have an occasional ache from MsPatty's Dec. 2022 burdizzo clamping.

Since the events in April, i have noticed hot flashes returning more frequently, almost daily, and sometimes twice a day.  The only difference is there have not been any obvious trigger activities i can determine as before.  The urge to release has declined to about once a week.  At the same time, i have trouble remembering the last time unless i write them down immediately.  my releases have less overall thickness, a slightly lower average liquid amounts, and i can feel that i have very little to ejaculate.  my current libido would seem to be lower than it was over the recent winter and the past few years.  If the 2019-2020 experience is any indicator, it could be another 3-5 weeks before i may feel a slight return of what little libido i may retain. 

i recently realized that my memories of sexual activities with past partners have become quite difficult to recall.  i have to review the list MsPatty extracted from me several years ago to revisit some mere highlights.  Overall, daily and weekly thoughts about sex have declined even further than what was after MsPatty's activities in December 2019, although no 'void' in the pelvic area appeared this time.  i notice now that my general interest in meeting new women is quickly overridden by a combination of fear and embarrassment... for what will be their eventual discovery? but the sexual failure MsPatty has engineered between my thighs.  At some point in the past year, during a visit's conversation, i made a statement to MsPatty that, "She has effectively ruined me for other women."  With a sudden bright smile on Her face, She replied, "Mmmm... Yes.  I certainly have, haven't I?", and proceeded to chuckle in Her most evil way for a while...

MsPatty desires another T-test in a few weeks, just prior to me bringing Her boys to visit Her again for their birthday.