Sunday, November 27, 2016

BIG Balls anyone? LOL Oh YES! After instructing sub jason to stretch his bits on a regular basis over the last 2 months, I amused Myself by filling his scrotum with 1000cc's of saline. Yes! Stretching does truly help which is clearly shown below. So much better than a few months ago when I could only fill his tight scrotum with 400cc's of saline.



The latest CaCl injection update picture for Day 270 - Third Injection.

Sissy roxy has not noticed any changes this past week but will be reporting in person mid December.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Another busy week which I just love and I am in such a lovely mood that I even have some eye candy to share including video below.  For those that has been asking, the video is of huge cock, fetishist w again.

The latest CaCl injection update picture for Day 249 - Third Injection.

Sissy roxy reports some change to the structure of the right testicle and can barely recognize the left.